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Treat yourself to something special with Doughbar! Our Take n' Bake dough, Doughbars, and cookies have been crafted with over 40 years of experience. Indulge in the ultimate cookie experience today.

Who started this place?


Hi, I'm Eric the owner and head dishwasher. My passion for cookies started at Grandma Rose’s where she taught me how random ingredients mixed together created magic that you could eat! How cool is that?! Of course I stuffed my face with cookie dough when she was't looking. 


That passion only grew over time. For a while, I was simply baking for friends' parties, then the occasional bake sale... but, in 2006, after moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting and comedy, I opened my first cookie company: Freshly Baked! Nothing fancy, just a small operation out of my tiny studio apartment. 


Fast forward a few years, and we were in 20 locations all over town, shipping internationally, and were being featured on network morning shows as we were rated top three “Best Cookies” in LA! Those were great times. 


Years later I moved back to Metro Detroit to be closer to friends and friends. That passion for cookies followed me and I was determined to open a new cookie venture.


I started fresh and created new recipes that challenged me as a baker. My skills improved as did the cookies. I'm proud to bring you the best cookies I've ever made.


I hope my cookies bring you as much joy as they do for me.


Eric Weston

CEO & Head Dishwasher

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